T. Demeester, D. Trieschnigg, K. Zhou, D. Nguyen and D. Hiemstra, “FedWeb Greatest Hits: Presenting the New Test Collection for Federated Web Search,” in Proceedings of WWW 2015. [PDF]
N. Dwi Prasetyo, C. Hauff, D. Nguyen, T. van den Broek and D. Hiemstra, “On the Impact of Twitter-based Health Campaigns: A Cross-Country Analysis of Movember the Sixth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis,” in Proceedings of EMNLP 2015. To appear.
D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg and L. Cornips, “Audience and the Use of Minority Languages on Twitter,” in Proceedings of ICWSM 2015. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, T. van den Broek, C. Hauff, D. Hiemstra and M. Ehrenhard, “#SupportTheCause: Identifying Motivations to Participate in Online Health Campaigns,” in Proceedings of EMNLP 2015. [PDF]
T. Meder, F. Karsdorp, D. Nguyen, M. Theune, D. Trieschnigg, and I. Muiser, “Automatic Enrichment and Classification of Folktales in the Dutch Folktale Database,” Journal of American Folklore, special issue on Computational Folklore, 2015. To appear.
T. Meder, D. Nguyen and R. Gravel: “The Apocalypse on Twitter,” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 31 January 2015. [link]
T. Demeester, R. Aly, D. Hiemstra, D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg and C. Develder, “Exploiting User Disagreement for Search Evaluation: an Experimental Approach,” in Proceedings of WSDM 2014. [PDF]
T. Demeester, D. Trieschnigg, D. Nguyen, K. Zhou, and D. Hiemstra, “Overview of the TREC 2014 Federated Web Search Track,” in Proceedings of TREC 2014. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg, A.S. Dougruöz, R. Gravel, M. Theune, T. Meder, and F. de Jong, “Why Gender and Age Prediction from Tweets is Hard: Lessons from a Crowdsourcing Experiment,” in Proceedings of COLING, 2014. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg and T. Meder, “TweetGenie: Development, Evaluation, and Lessons Learned,” in Proceedings of COLING 2014 (demo paper). [PDF]
D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg and M. Theune, “Using Crowdsourcing to Investigate Perception of Narrative Similarity,” in Proceedings of CIKM 2014. [PDF]
E. Papalexakis, D. Nguyen, and A.S. Doğruöz, “Predicting Code-switching in Multilingual Communication for Immigrant Communities,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching at EMNLP 2014. [PDF]
K. Zhou, T. Demeester, D. Nguyen, D. Hiemstra and D. Trieschnigg, “Aligning Vertical Collection Relevance with User Intent,” in Proceedings of CIKM 2014. [PDF]
T. Demeester, D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg, C. Develder and D. Hiemstra, “Snippet-based Relevance Predictions for Federated Web Search,” in Proceedings of ECIR 2013. [PDF]
D. Nguyen and A.S. Dougruöz, “Word level language identification in online multilingual communication,” in Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Michigan, USA, 2013, pp. 857-862. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, R. Gravel, D. Trieschnigg, and T. Meder, “TweetGenie: automatic age prediction from tweets,” ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, vol. 4, pp. 4-9, 2013. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, R. Gravel, D. Trieschnigg, and T. Meder, ““How Old Do You Think I Am?”: A Study of Language and Age in Twitter,” in Proceedings of the Seventh International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, 2013. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg, and M. Theune, “Folktale Classification using Learning to Rank,” in Proceedings of ECIR 2013, pp. 195-206. [PDF]
D. Trieschnigg, D. Nguyen, and T. Meder, “In Search of Cinderella: A Transaction Log Analysis of Folktale Searchers,” in Proceedings of the first ACM SIGIR Workshop on the Exploration, Navigation and Retrieval of Information in Cultural Heritage, Dublin, Ireland, 2013. [PDF]
D. Trieschnigg, D. Nguyen, and M. Theune, “Learning to Extract Folktale Keywords,” in ACL 2013 workshop on: Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013. [PDF]
D. Trieschnigg, K. Tjin-Kam-Jet, and D. Hiemstra, “SearchResultFinder: federated search made easy,” in Proceedings of the 36th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, SIGIR 2013, New York, 2013, pp. 1113-1114. [PDF]
T. Demeester, D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg, and D. Hiemstra, “What Snippets Say About Pages in Federated Web Search,” in Proceedings of the 8th Asia Information Retrieval Society Conference (AIRS), 2012. [PDF]
F. Karsdorp, P. van Kranenburg, T. Meder, D. Trieschnigg, and A. van den Bosch, “In search of an appropriate abstraction level for motif annotations,” in Computational Models of Narrative workshop (LREC 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 2012. [PDF]
F. Karsdorp, P. Van Kranenburg, T. Meder, and A. van den Bosch, “Casting a Spell: Identification and Ranking of Actors in Folktales,” in The Second Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012. [PDF]
T. Meder, “Keynote paper: The Folktale Database as a Digital Heritage Archive and as a Research Instrument,” in International symposium Corpora Ethnographica Online, University of Rostock, Germany, 2012. [link]
T. Meder, Avonturen en structuren. Op zoek naar de bouwstenen van volksverhalen, Amsterdam: Meertens Instituut, 2012. [PDF]
I. Muiser, M. Theune, and T. Meder, “Cleaning up and Standardizing a Folktale Corpus for Humanities Research,” in The Second Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, T. Demeester, D. Trieschnigg, and D. Hiemstra, “Federated Search in the Wild: The Combined Power of over a Hundred Search Engines,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2012. [PDF]
D. Nguyen, D. Trieschnigg, T. Meder, and M. Theune, “Automatic classification of folk narrative genres.,” in First International Workshop on Language Technology for Historical Text(s) (KONVENS 2012), Vienna, Austria, 2012. [PDF]
D. Trieschnigg, D. Hiemstra, M. Theune, F. de Jong, and T. Meder, “An Exploration of Language Identification Techniques for the Dutch Folktale Database,” in Adaptation of Language Resources and Tools for Processing Cultural Heritage workshop (LREC 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, 2012. [PDF]